9 Things I Did To Get 553.4k Content Views On Quora

Things I Learned That Helped Me Grow

Martins Johnson
5 min readAug 30, 2021
Photo by Carlos Muza on Unsplash

One of the easiest ways to attract a new audience is by getting more visitors to your business.

Increasing traffic to your business can be the most cost-effective way to increase your sales,

which means you need a solid strategy for growing your online audience.

Like a lot of new bloggers, when I first started answering questions on Quora, I spent a lot of time reading other people's answers and getting advice from more established answeres.

As I have been answering questions on Quora for almost 9 months now, I thought it might be helpful to share what has worked for me and what didn’t work quite as well.

This is my stats on Quora for 3 months shown below.

This might not be that impressive for Top people that answer on Quora but to me, it’s a huge win and a way to motivate new users on Quora.

If you want to start answering on Quora, I do recommend, doing your research, look for 5–10 questions to answer before you start answering and as always start with what you know best (Choose a Niche), this will help you to have something to talk about endlessly.

My answers really took off in May when I started doing manual pinning using one of the methods outlined in Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers Book by Russell Brunson. I regret not buying that book in April because I saw results within days, as you can see in my Quora stats.

Traffic remained somewhat consistent throughout fall within Aug, having almost the exact same numbers.

In December 2020 I had 95.2K content views which were my highest ever. I had a couple of viral views and I think the question that I answered about saving money and starting a side job, got more popular as the new year approached.

What Did I Do To Experience Such Growth?

1. Answered questions consistently - I always answer questions at least 1 per week, sometimes up to 3 per week. I don’t think you need to answer on a schedule these days, but I do believe that 1–3 answers per week are ideal, especially when you are starting out and need to create a database of content.

2. Used Pinterest Group Boards - Although my goal for 2021 is to diversify my traffic, even more, Pinterest has been the game-changer for me as far as traffic is concerned. If you are a new blogger, marketer, or new to Quora, Pinterest is probably the quickest way to start seeing traffic to your answers, product offers, or blog.

How to get started with Pinterest group boards

If you are interested in learning more about how I pin to my group boards, as I mentioned above, I use Carly Campbell’s technique from her awesome book “Pinteresting Strategies” . I highly recommend checking it out if you want to get traffic fast.

I also use Tailwind for looping my new pins posts and getting them out there fast.

3. Interlinked answer content- I learned this from the Traffic secret guide from Russell Brunson. I honestly had never considered how important it is to your content to keep your readers. Include a link within the answer if there are other related answers that the reader might be interested in.

4. Refreshed old content- I constantly go through my old answer and add new information, create new images and pins and add new related content that I have published. I’ve had answers that went nowhere initially suddenly go viral when I create a new pin or image. I try to update at least one answer a month to give the old answer some boots and to get a second chance in reaching the right eyeballs.

5. Shared your answer- I made great use of Tailwind Communities, which are free sharing tools from Tailwind scheduler. I consistently get a few thousand views a week just from using tribes, and it literally takes me about 20 minutes a week.

While my results from using Tailwind and Tailwind Tribes are personal, Tailwind also publishes the Typical Results of Tailwind for Pinterest Members every year, so you can see exactly what the average growth rate looks like for their members and I think you will agree that it is quite impressive.

I also joined some blogging Facebook groups and shared my new answers a few times a week.

It’s also a great way to find new content to share with your readers on social media.

6. Answer Questions that Highly Followed People have Answered- There are a number of people on Quora with THOUSANDS of followers. They answer a question and get 5,000 to 20,000 views in an hour.

A strategy I’ve utilized is to answer questions that these people have already answered, in an effort to gain readers off the coattails of the “famous” person. These people have shown they enjoy this type of question. Why wouldn’t they like my answer?

7. Put in a Few Pictures where Necessary to Spice Up Your Answer -Humans are visual creatures and like pictures.

Yes, Quora is an information-driven site, but having a few pictures can help break up the content!

8. Make Answers Easy to Read on Mobile- It’s easy to write paragraphs of text to answer questions, but don’t forget about mobile users. To improve readability on mobile, use limit paragraphs to only 1–2 sentences, use number lists and bullet points, and bold important points, quotes, or highlights you really want readers to notice.

9. Answer a question with authority- As you spread knowledge, you gain expertise and influence. Perhaps Quora’s most immediate benefit for marketers is being seen as an authority on a certain topic.

Answer a question, provide great value, and your influence will soar.

So what makes for a good answer?

The Crazy Egg blog calls the best Quora answers those that provide statistics, sources, and references — a good and short answer that points to an external resource.

“Good and short” could involve any number of these factors:

Passionate about the topic, Personality, Specific, Focused, Storytelling with takeaways

And then once you’ve written your “good and short” (and valuable) answer, you can add a link to what you’ve referenced, which is particularly great if the info is available in long-form on your blog or website.

I hope this was helpful to you. Thank you for reading and see you all in the next article.

